Carters’ Farm Welcomes You

The Carter family is committed to growing organically, stewarding land responsibly, and engaging creatively with local communities – from seed to bar.

We are happy to offer seed-to-bar chocolate! Carters’ Chocolate is from cacao that is organically raised and part of a regenerative system of tropical hardwoods in Guatemala. Other locally-sourced cacao is raised by the Mayan Q’ekchi communities as part of an effort to improve the soil and productivity of steeply sloping hillsides, working with the contour lines of the landscape.

Those who buy Carters’ Chocolate are helping the health of indigenous communities and their land. Carters’ offers chocolate you can trust, from seed to bar. We are starting by offering 65% cacao bars. Soon, we will be offering 60% and our standard 70% bars. Find them now at the Red Barn in Park Rapids, MN!

At Carters’, we’ve always known how important it is to know where food comes from and how it comes to us, and we cherish every opportunity we can to cultivate that closeness between the soil where the seed is sown, the farmer that harvests the fruit, and the friends who enjoy the harvest together.

Watch for opportunities to taste this chocolate, and to learn more about how it is grown and made. Currently, we offer chocolate at the Walker and Park Rapids Farmers’ Market in the summer. If you’re business is interested in offering Carters’ Chocolate, please contact us

Dwight Carter, who also stewards the Carter farm in Park Rapids, Minnesota, has owned a fruit farm and nursery in Guatemala for over thirty years.

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